As we embarked on our trip, packed with our passports,food, and cameras, we could never have been prepared for the experience of a lifetime. Even though our team leader, Travis Kaiser, prepared us that we would be the ones changed, I think all of us to some degree thought we were coming to Haiti packed with our Bibles, ready to minister to the orphans of Haiti. How could we have known how God would use the people of Haiti to show us true servanthood.
What a privilege it has been to serve along side Pastor Dony, Sharon, Pastor Lionel, Dou Dou and the rest of our team.
As we have worked in the 90+ degree heat our bodies have become thirsty. Very thirsty. It’s a thirst that only water satisfies. As we’ve replenished our bodies with cold water, I’ve been reminded of our need and thirst for God. Without God, there is an unquenchable thirst that can never be satisfied – a need that is never filled. A hole that is only God sized.
There is still so much need here, some of us have questioned whether we are making a difference. While the physical need seems endless for the people of Haiti, we are called to look past just the physical needs. This is a nation of thirsty people!
Our ultimate mission for our endeavors here, and back home in TN for that matter, must always be to share the Good News of our Lord and Savior.
John 6:35 says, “Jesus said, “”I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.””
I pray that the Living Water is poured out on the orphans of Jeremie, the community, the people of Bonbon, the people of Port-au-Prince and all of Haiti.
I pray that we will be the vessels that bring the Water to Haiti, to our neighbors and co-workers. Where is God calling you to share His living water?
Rev. 22:17b “Come! And let him who thirst come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”
-Travis Kaiser and Team