A Comprehensive Course Designed to Educate and Encourage International Adoptive Parents
“Should I handle this differently since my child was adopted?”
“No one ever told me to anticipate this . . .”
“I need practical day-to-day examples of how to use theories in books in my home.”
These are at the heart of the issues we hear families voicing in the adoption community. Quite often, families feel isolated when they find themselves wondering how to support their adopted child through life stages. Adoptive parents have the distinct joy, as well as inherent challenges in raising their children. Join us as we explore how your child’s needs are different as they connect within his/her family.
This six-week course is designed to provide an in-depth education examining literature, research and insightful adoptee experiences. The focus of course content will include how to establish trusting relationships with your child and empower healing from trauma. During this group experience, participants will be guided to go beyond simply reading literature to possessing a comprehensive understanding of how to support their child through developmental stages. Practical tools, encouragement, and knowledge of resources for you and your child will be provided.
“My child came home as an infant would this course be relevant?”
Yes. At a minimum, each adopted child will process their individual grief and loss of being adopted. While there are similarities among adoptees, it is an individualized experience and parents will learn how to create opportunities for their children to process their loss in a healing environment. This course will discuss relevant factors affecting attachment and child development due to pre-natal care, institutionalization, and the impact of an adoption experience on a child’s emerging cognitive abilities and emotional capabilities.
We look forward to having you join us for this exciting opportunity?
Wednesday Evenings @ 6:15 pm beginning July 6, 2011
Long Hollow Baptist Church
3031 Long Hollow Pike
Hendersonville, Tennessee 37075
Childcare will be provided at no cost to participants.
Cost: $75 per household, $65 Early Registration (Register before June 1, 2011)
Registration Deadline: June 20, 2011
To register email eyeslikeyouadopt@gmail.com or call (615) 968-3857