I am currently spending my days with about 136 orphans in Jeremie, Haiti. Let me tell you, there’s probably no better way to spend your time.
Our team arrived last Saturday and we have been hard at work giving immunizations to the kids and responding to their medical needs as well as those of the community around the orphanage. The team has exhausted themselves, given all and been greatly rewarded in exchange. It has been such an honor to hold a feverish child and be the instrument that brings them to health again. I have wept so many times when a child comes with something as simple as an ear infection, gets treated, and then just cries for someone to hold them, comfort them. Think of the simple things we do for our children on a daily basis. Stroking their face with a cold cloth, or giving tylenol and tlc during a virus. That is a luxury that few orphaned children experience. I am so thankful for the work ESMI (El Shaddai Ministries) is doing in Haiti and so overwhelmed by the part that Long Hollow is allowed to play in that ministry.
Gerald has been working with a group of the older children doing some music therapy related exercises. He is a wonderful teacher and it has been so special for us all to hear the singing coming from his classroom.